Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Don't Touch Silver Nitrate

That's what my AP Chemistry teacher Ms. Bailey told all of us as a precaution before a lab. Getting this stuff (AgNO3) on your skin will turn it darker and ugly. Okay. I took the advice.

And so, I ended with it up my nose today. It stung like hell. Well duh, it's corrosive.

Now you're probably wondering how in the world that happened. After a year of nosebleeds, I was able to get my hands on an otolaryngologist--or in common terms, a nose doctor--and schedule an appointment. He took a look up my nose, and found some broken vessels which was why I kept on getting nosebleeds on my left nostril. So what he's going to do is seal it up using my body's healing ability to his advantage. To do that, he was going to have to burn or scar some of this tissue to initiate the process. He did so, but of course, sprayed a nasty anesthetic that went down my throat before because this would hurt. Nasty stuff, that was.

So now I can't sneeze through my nose, or do any extraneous activity causing high blood pressure or else it won't heal. Which means I can't ride by bicycle to my full potential at top speed. :( I'm not even allowed to blow my nose for a week and was told to leave it alone. So for the next few days, you'll be hearing me sneeze "Haa AH!" as I open my mouth to redirect the air from my nasal airway.

Now for something aside I'd like to share. These spectacular post-sunset photos of the sky were taken today, which surprised me because a clear, sunny day here usually means no nice sunset. For a clear day, it can't possibly get any better than this.

Such a wondrous sight.

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