Friday, July 17, 2009

The City's Response

I received an email reply back from the city in regards to my complaint. Sorry to keep you all waiting.

Mr. [L.],

I am responding to your e-mail to Amy Olay on July 14th.

Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding detection of bicyclists at traffic signals.

You will be happy to know that a recent State law (AB 1581) requires that enhanced bicycle detection be incorporated into signal designs for new signal installations and signal modifications. The State is currently developing the standards for bicycle detection, but San Jose has already begun to include bicycle specific detection devices as well as the associated pavement markings in some projects.

We hope to expand the installations to retrofit all intersections, but due to the budget constraints you noted, this will likely be a long-term effort.

Regarding your suggestion to add detection location markings to existing loops, the City has found that most existing loops do not detect bicycles well, and indicating that they will be detected when they may not be is problematic.

I hope this addresses your concerns. Feel free to contact me if you should have any questions.

Best regards,

John Raaymakers, P.E.

Associate Civil Engineer

Department of Transportation

Guess we all have to wait, they've been working on this.

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