Wednesday, August 12, 2009

When Stars Fall

I will never forget my first shooting star. Taking me by surprise, it ripped across the sky for at least half a second (that's long) radiating its orange glow. I was actually not expecting to see it, for I had been staring at an airplane. With what's left of my childish heart, I made a wish.

Today was basically a sleepover at Leslie and Tina's house. We settled at Flickinger Park around 1 AM, after taking a stroll through the eerily quiet neighborhood. The city was always bustling, cars roaring down streets but this was the first time I've ever seen it this quiet. Almost deserted, as if. Knowing that it was real late at night, we proceeded to gaze up but remain wary of our surroundings--we surely didn't want to get mugged or some sort! But a few hours later, the cautious quietness would turn into heavy laughter.

"...imagine the people inside their houses hearing laughter outside." LOL

The place we were at was perfect. No trees, no nearby street lamps, just grass. (:

Here and then, meteors would light up not in one spot, but all around the sky. Some were so faint you doubted that you saw one while others were as bright as an airplane at 5000 feet. To be honest, I lost count of how many I saw today, but it was around 8-15 confirmed sightings.

OH, We happened to see another spectacle aside of the starry shower.

I call this one, "The Hands of God."

The moon seems like it was being shielded or held. Lovely, no?

Then of course, our stomachs got hungry and 7-11 was the only close store open. A quick walk there and back and we had ourselves a buffet of chips. Yum.

Throughout the duration of the night, Leslie decided to snap pictures to see if we would be lucky to catch a meteor in one of our pictures, and sure enough we caught something.

I'm sort of skeptical that it's a plane, but whether it is or not, this was how a meteor resembled in the night sky to our eyes. Except it wasn't a line flying, it was more of a dot...

I believe in shooting stars now. x)

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