Monday, August 17, 2009

A Hard Slap

Yup, that's Antoine.
Known for his talkative but icebreaking behavior, he doesn't have any problems with strangers and talks to his customers like his friends as shown. I nearly snorted up my Sprite soda listening to him confirm orders and watching his hands fly around while he talks.

"Uno ma~~~s!" he shouts to his fellow Spanish-speaking workers.
Thanks for the free soda cup "for the hell of it." (; lol

Some kid today stuck his hand in the trash can and was slapped at his bottom by his mother. The practically mother pranced up from her seat and leaped out with her arms extended, with the frustrated Asian expression displayed on her face, and let out a SLAP throughout the restaurant. Boy grasps both of his bottocks, lunges his hips forward, and after a few moments grimacing himself in the sting of it, runs back to his seat. Is it mean to laugh? But wait, there's more!

Some few minutes later, he hops to another table and flails his arms around--playing airplane or cars, I don't know--but stole the attention of everyone in the room when we heard something splattering onto the floor. BARF?!? I thought. No, he tipped his cup of red fruit juice and it was all over the table and floor. The boy was a deer in headlights now. "SORRY, SORRY, SORRY..." he repetitively exclaims to his mother, making my mother and I crackle up knowing perfectly of his fear of Asian parenting's capital punishment. The boy's mother tells him to "Just zip it," leaving her son to whine and apologizing many times. Poor little guy. Makes me feel guilty for snickering behind now.

Earlier this morning I also ran into Vivian at Great Mall when she called out my name. I still have trouble recognizing friends when they're in their uniform, so I wouldn't have probably noticed her working if she didn't look right into my eye. Which brings in the fact that I freak out when people do this to me: they stare, and now I'm left frantically to see if I know them. It's been happening lately too, and it's probably because of the (long--yes, I said it) summer vacation. We briefly converse for not long due to her work, but she tells me she's not ready for Calculus BC this year. "WHY NOT?" I ask. She rolls her eyes. The best thing about Calculus is seeing Copes (our teacher)! I'm ready put myself on the verge of unconsciousness from laughing my lungs out on the first day. What's more is that all her jokes and stories are real. ;D

More to come: Tomorrow, off to the San Jose City Hall in the late morning!

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