Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Unpitiful Scorn

A several days ago, Anita warned me right after school to be careful when commuting home by bicycle.

"Those drivers are dangerous!"

Yeah, I know.
Bay Area drivers suck.
I know that for a fact, and I'm delighted she's on the same page. When I cycle, I'm always prepared and always waiting for Murphy (a generic Bay Area driver I call) to mess up and do something stupid. That's how I ride safely. But I do thank courteous ones with a smile and a slight nod.

Drivers here do all certain kinds of unsafe lane changes, right of way violations--especially against pedestrians, and aggressive swerving. But one of the worst aspects of their operation of a motor vehicle is their lack of attention.

Just like that. (I had to put 'fail' in there somewhere.)

As I walk up to the large gym gates, I see cars from the opposite direction turning left from the turn lane, only to realize the gate into the school is locked. With nowhere else to go, cars pile up and trap themselves like rats.

It gets better: as one car enters the trap, another one pulls up behind it, trapping it in and a chain reaction multiplies. Once the other drivers behind finally realize it's locked, they make a complete U-turn and go away, leaving the trapped animals frantically trying to do anything they can to escape the non-collision pileup. Two cars back up with their white taillights on, and one car does a U-turn, blocking through way traffic. Angry drivers honk. And the next thing you know, it's a dog eat dog world. So for any reckless drivers reading this, I have no sympathy for you whatsoever should a law enforcement officer pull you over. Learn your lesson now before you hit a pedestrian.

But other times, violations themselves can be pretty hilarious. Like this parking job.

Guess who that is!

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