Sunday, October 4, 2009

Over the River, Through the Woods

I've traveled north, I've traveled south, and I've traveled west. Only the east remains.
That's where the mountains are, and up I went. I'm typically an urban cyclist but decided to give the California scenery a try, because I practically know the whole entire south bay by heart. I needed something to scare me--something daunting that lies to be challenged, and this was it. Going out of the city means no urban services such as police or medical services, no convenience stores to buy drinks, or any of the luxury I've been enjoying all along. My body needed conditioning as well, because I managed to reduce my mile running time (by foot) to 6 minutes after not having to run for 3 years, where my best time was 8 minutes way back long ago. It was a real ego boost. (:

The first destination was Alum Rock Park. There were park rangers rolling around here and there patrolling the park, I guess. I couldn't go all the way because the rest of the trail was unpaved. Boo-hoo. ):

That's how far I got up. So what next? Mt. Hamilton of course! It would be a long ascent, 2,000 feet up, but it isn't that steep. Okay! It's decided. Down I coasted from Alum Rock Park, then south in the city to McKee and I began my adventure.

Wonderful view of McKee Road from the state highway 130 at 1,000 feet. It's a long straight road headed straight to downtown San Jose. Freeway 680 lies left of it.

By this point, I'm not really tired, but rather I'm concerned about my inadequate supply of water. So I take breaks to minimize my need for water. A lady pulled up beside me in her car just to make sure I was all right. A nod and a cordial smile reassured her that I was.

Looks like our descent will be fun later!

By now, it's about 2,000 feet up from sea level, It's cold and chilly 50 degrees, and the wind's blowing quite moderately. Basically, I can feel how high I've gone up.

There's the Lick observatory. That white spec on the mountaintop, that is.
But crap, I'm running out of water. I flag down another oncoming cyclist and ask him how far I was from the Joseph D. Grant county park. 5 miles. He wishes me luck and I keep pushing on, but I'm going considerably slower. After the next 20 minutes or so, I ask this time an oncoming car for some water. They have none, so I ask the same thing I asked earlier to the cyclist.

"You made it, bro! Keep on going!" the dude nudges me on. I'm already in the park but the information kiosk is a mile and a half away.

I need water! I'm going to DIE out here going back without any. Stupid of me to carry a small water bottle. Panting and cold, I happened to see a house on the side of the road where family members were conversing outside.

"Excuse me, sir!" I shout with my arms flailing hoping the man would see behind the person he was talking to. Two more tries and he finally sees me. I tell him my situation and he is happy to give me another water bottle. I thank him and we begin a quick 3 minute discussion from where I had started McKee and where I was headed to. With some words of encouragement, he sends me off again, informing me that I was half a mile away from where I was headed.

And I made it! The park resembled a rest stop than anything else, nothing but some public facilities, parking space and a kiosk with a lonely park ranger reading her book. I took a half an hour break, refilled my three empty water bottles (there were empty ones in my backpack) and stretched before I returned on a 15-20 minute long descent.

Here's a zoomed out version.

I was literally in the middle of nowhere. Notice the lack of cellular service. The thought of something happening and no one to call is frightening. I wanted that feeling and I did it, though.
I can now go to college away from where I was born knowing that I've enjoyed everything that my city can possibly offer.

Oh, yes. Now the reward. A 15-20 minute descent at 30 mph. I felt the wind warming up as I came down, and had a chance to see the city from way up high.

My adventure is complete.

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