Saturday, October 17, 2009

Californian Tours

Today, I walked through a metal detector when a federal officer spotted a high-density object in my backpack on his X-ray computer screen. I'm at the State Capitol in Sacramento, California--you know, where Arnie is--and am at their security screening area.
Officer: Is there anything in your backpack that's hard?
Me: Um, my bicycle tools? This is my bicycle bag. I can get it for you?
Officer (after another peek): No, not that; there's something hard in there.
By now he and some other female officer start fumbling around with my backpack, expecting something like a pipebomb or a gun. And guess what they pulled out?

Female Officer: What's he got in there?
Male Officer: Err, some tools and... a [road/pavement] reflector.
OH, MAN. That was from my trip up in Mt. Hamilton in San Jose and I took that as a souvenir because it wasn't glued to the road with tar. I ended up explaining why it was in my possession and we resolve the problem with hearty laughter.

I had a chance to see Arnold Schwarzenegger's office too! I really wanted to pound the door and say hello, but without facing misdemeanor charges that was out of the question.

We also found ourselves lost in downtown while finding the Capitol.
Way too many one-way streets.

As for why I was in Sacramento in the first place, I was actually attending a campus tour of UC Davis. The campus is ridiculously huge, occupying some space nearly a fourth of the city of Davis. Without a bicycle, you'll be into some serious walking. It's even got its own fire department.

Overall, neat campus. There weren't as many cows as I expected there to be, though. :0

Here was the wonderful sunset to end the day--on a state scenic highway. (:

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