Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Break

"We should show life neither as it is or as it ought to be, but only as we see it in our dreams."
Count Leo Tolstoy

Productively sluggish best describes the last 8 days away from school.

What a strange break, it was. I had two choices: treat it like summer vacation or to treat it as a couple days off from school. Though reality was the latter, my choice was somewhat in between, or both I could even say. Mentally, the break seemed like it lasted on and on but the things I completed in a short amount of time would typically be found in a longer break. Here are some of those things:

  • Cycling to Morgan Hill, California and back.
    56.4 miles

    Yes, I've done it again--biking far distances but with Derek. My middle name should be Jimmy "Crazy" Ly. Works well, too, because my last name makes it an adverb! This trip was special in that it was a city to city trip, from the San Jose (Milpitas, really, for my case), with nothing in between. Just rural the rural plains and ranches of California for miles, grasslands, trees, and whatnot.

    Picturesque outskirts of San Jose, highway 101 lies in the background.

    Our trail cutting through the untouched parts of nature, with Derek in for a shot.

    Picture of me in the middle of nowhere.

    Here and there, we passed by some few ranches that I never knew existed.

    And our destination! Morgan Hill, thumbtacked in purple on the map way above this post.

    The way back, racing the sun to San Jose city limits. Unfortunately, it beat us by almost half an hour.

  • Downtown Job Hunting
    I went down and dropped off at two locations my resume, which I also completed within this break period. Notice the picture contrasts greatly with what I did the day before. The quote starting this post was found on a whiteboard as I was seeking applications in an office on my hunt.

  • Outdoor Photography in the Rain
    First time. :)

  • Completing Homework
    With Abby, Kimbo and Amy. The math gang, as I like to call it.

  • Submitted a Statement of Intention to Register (SIR), Created a UCLA E-mail
    And rejected all others. UC Davis' was the most painful, because I loved the campus.

    I guess UC Irvine really wanted me in. ;) It had, one of the worst websites to navigate around, taking me 20 minutes just to find the SIR. I ended up googling it to find the form, and a friend even called me to ask where I had found it. Anyway, I now have a [USERNAME] email address that I love.

  • Finished a Pushed-Back Scholarship
    I've procrastinated a bit too much. Glad it's over with.
And that's it. Quite a bit for a week.

Photo courtesy of Justin Beck
And that was supposed to be me on the 10th of April, but plans were canceled because I had no ride nor energy to haul my butt on the subway that early. I'm hoping next week would change that.